Window wipers and sunscreens for 550tons pipe laying vessels

Wednesday 18 March 2015

This year by order of Royal IHC provides Observator Vision another 550t pipe laying vessel with window wipers and sunscreens. The Seven Rio (no. 731) is the second of four vessels in total ordered specifically for operation in Brazilian waters. Earlier, the Seven Waves (no. 727) was equipped with window wipers and sunscreens. When delivered in 2016, the Seven Sun (no. 733) and Seven Cruzeiro (no. 735) will complete the fleet of pipe laying vessels that will be working under contract for Petrobras in Brazil. Also these two pipe laying vessels will be provided with window wipers and sunscreens.

The Seven Rio has an overall length of 146 meters, a beam of 30 meters and a Class-2 dynamic positioning system. The vessel is equipped with a vertical (tiltable) lay system.

Besides the pipe laying vessels of Subsea 7 also the five 550t pipe laying vessels for Sapura Navegaçao Martime (cooperation between SapuraKencana and Seadrill) are provided with the products of Observator Vision. In 2014 Sapura Diamante (no. 728) and Sapura Topàcia (no. 729) and in the beginning of 2015 Sapura Onix (no. 730) are equipped with window wipers and sunscreens. The Sapura Jade (no. 732) and Sapura Rubi (no. 734) follow later. These pipe laying vessels are also specially ordered for operation in Brazilian waters.

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