New Observator price list

Thursday 23 March 2017

As of the 1st of April 2017 our new price list will come into effect. Several new items have been included, such as the OMC-140 options and the new OIC-items within MeteoLink. Further, we were forced to increase our prices by 3%, having maintaining the same price for the past few years.

Outstanding quotations
We understand that our resellers may have outstanding quotations, for which our 2016 price list was used. Needless to say, we shall respect this and use the quotation prices until a reasonable date after the 1st of April.

For our price list users, there will follow a more detailed communication and explanation next week. The price list will be published in PDF format. On request, we can provide a price list in Excel format and even customize this with specific user business information.

More information
If you have any questions or need more information about the price list and the changes, please contact our sales department by email at

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