Within our CSR program Blue2Green, the focus lies on the balance between economic, social and ecological interests and effects. By taking all stakeholders and interfaces into account, we ensure that we meet the needs of the present without compromising the capability of the future. Anywhere in the world.
An important benchmark related to sustainability is the CO2 footprint. The first CO2 footprint overview dates from 2019. In 2019, 227 tons were emitted by the Dutch branch of the Observator Group. The CO2 emission of 2019 is equal to 590 economy flights from Amsterdam to Rome. The majority of these CO2 emissions are caused by air travel, electricity consumption and the vehicle fleet. To minimise our carbon footprint, we have defined six pillars and statements.
1. CO2 footprint
One of Blue2Green’s first targets relates to the reduction of our CO2 footprint. This year, we will formulate our short and long-term objectives on how we can achieve a minimum footprint by 2030.
2. Office buildings
We want to make our offices more sustainable. We will take measures to reduce both our electrical energy and gas consumption.
All the electricity we consume should come from renewable energy sources. Either from our own solar panels or from sustainable sources of our energy suppliers.
3. Travel
Before planning a trip, we will ask ourselves: is this trip really necessary or can this meeting take place digitally?
By 2030, all our vans and company cars will be electric.
The following guidelines apply for other trips:
4. Business operations
Sustainability must be at the heart of our business operations:
5. Green team
Within Observator, our aim is to create a mindset – among all employees – towards a green and sustainable future, for all of us.
6. Standards
As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, we apply the highest quality standards to our products and systems. Besides the ISO 9001:2015, we embrace the sustainable spirit as mentioned in the ISO 14001, ISO 26000, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the CO2 performance ladder.
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