Module Scheduler

This module contains functions to execute functions(tasks) at a regular interval.

Scheduled tasks

Scheduled tasks are tasks that are executed at a predefined interval with the function scheduler.add_task(). This interval can be configured in the similar way as cronjobs are configured. A interval description is built up out of 5 fields separated by white spaces that represent a set of times at which to execute the task The function runs when the current date matches the interval description. A interval description looks like this:

# ┌───────────── second (0 - 59)
# │ ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
# │ │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
# │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
# │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (1 - 7) (Monday to Sunday)
# │ │ │ │ │
# │ │ │ │ │
# │ │ │ │ │
# * * * * *

Special characters can be used to select a range or multiple values for a field. The following special characters are allowed.

  • * Asterisk - The asterisk is used to select all allowed values for that field.

  • , Comma - The comma defines a list of values. For example 0,14,29,44 in the first field would mean seconds 0, 14, 29, and 44.

  • - Dash - The dash defines a range of values. For example 5-10 indicates all minutes between 5 and 10, inclusive. (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Example intervals



* * * * *

Every second

0 * * * *

Every minute at hh:mm:00

2 * * * *

Every minute at hh:mm:02

0 0 * * *

Every hour at hh:00:00

5 1 * * *

Every hour at hh:01:05

0 0 0 * *

Every day at 00:00:00

0,29 * * * *

Every 30 seconds

0 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * *

Every 10 minutes

0 30 9 * 7

Every sunday at 9:30:00

0 0 12 1 *

Every first day of the month at 12:00:00

0 0 9-17 * 1-6

Hourly between 9:00:00 and 17:00:00 except for Sunday


scheduler.schedule_task(func: function, interval: string, name: string) None

Add a task to the scheduler to execute at a interval.

  • func The function to execute. Pass the function without calling it (don’t use the round braces). The function should not have any parameters and the definition should be async.

  • interval The interval string as explained above.

  • name The name of the task, used for logging.

scheduler.triggered_task(func: function, name, event=None) Event

Add a task that can be triggered by an event from for example another task. A pre-existing event object can be used to trigger multiple tasks by the same event.

  • func The function to execute. Pass the function without calling it (don’t use the round braces). The function should not have any parameters and the definition should be async.

  • name The name of the task, used for logging.

  • event The event to trigger the task with, a new event object is created if this parmeter is empty.

Return value: The event object used

sheduler.start() None

Start the scheduler, executing all the added tasks at the specified interval.

scheduler.trigger_event(event: Event) None

Trigger an event, starting all associated tasks.

  • event The event object to trigger

scheduler.sleep_between_tasks(pre_sleep: func, post_sleep: func) None

Enable light sleep in between tasks running. The device will wake-up 200ms before the next scheduled task.

scheduler.sleep(sec: integer) None

Let the task sleep for x seconds, giving control back to the scheduler.

scheduler.sleep_ms(ms: integer) None

Let the task sleep for x milliseconds, giving control back to the scheduler.


The following code has 3 Tasks, 1 that runs every 5 seconds and 2 triggered tasks, that are started by the first task.

import omc048
import scheduler
import micropython
import utime

led = omc048.LED()
event = None

async def flash_red():
    print('led.colour(\'red\') start: {0}'.format(utime.ticks_ms()))
    await scheduler.sleep_ms(700)
    print('led.colour(\'red\') stop: {0}'.format(utime.ticks_ms()))
    global event

async def flash_blue():
    print('led.colour(\'blue\') start: {0}'.format(utime.ticks_ms()))
    await scheduler.sleep_ms(20)
    print('led.colour(\'blue\') stop: {0}'.format(utime.ticks_ms()))

async def print_something():
    await scheduler.sleep_ms(50)

scheduler.schedule_task(flash_red, '0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *', 'red')
event = scheduler.triggered_task(flash_blue, 'blue')
scheduler.triggered_task(print_something, 'printing', event)
