Module Power Monitor

This module contains a class to check the state of the power.

class Hysteresis

The hysteresis object checks the state of the hysteresis by reading the analog port value.


class power_monitor.Hysteresis(analog_port, value_low, value_high, init_state=True)

Create a hysteresis object associated with the given hysteresis. Argument value_low is the lower threshold and value_high is the higher threshold. The init_state is the current state of the hysteresis by initialization.


Hysteresis.check() Boolean

This will read the current value of the analog port and update the current state of the hysteresis. The return value will be the state of the hysteresis which is determined as follows.

  • True if (adc >= higher threshold)

  • True if (adc > lower threshold) + (adc < higher threshold) + last result of hysteresis.check() was True

  • False if (adc < higher threshold) + last result of hysteresis.check() was False

  • False if (adc <= lower threshold)

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The following code shows an example with the analog voltage and a hysteresis object. If the batteries are considered not empty the program will continue the program

import omc048
from power_monitor import Hysteresis

adc = omc048.analog_voltage(1)
hys = Hysteresis(adc, 24.0, 24.2)

if hys.check():
    # power up sensors and start logging...